

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Time of my life.

Haven't really been here for a while.... Its just like typing to my self, writing about nothing really, just from the top of my head. As of right now there are people over yet its 11:30, why I don't know so as of yet. The kids are in the garage playing freeze dance I think, and the others are talking so I am here to my self. I guess Ill just talk about my summer. It really hasn't been much scale 1-5 Ill call it a 3-ish, not awesome but not bad. Highlight so far has prob. been camping with a butt load of people, It was nice, not the best though, there were too many bugs/spiders/etc... like at the beach I got stung by a wasp....under my foot.... Who gets stung by wasps at the beach?!?!?!? well, that wasn't the worst part, but it was bad... anyways, there have been other moments of coolness this summer, but I don't really recall any at this time of night, its all just kinda a hazy mush. I'm pretty worn out by dance since we had practice today... I really enjoy dancing, but not necessarily the people I dance with.... Some are overly bossy others are way too dramatic for me others whine and play too much and then the others who do nothing at all. But in the end its not for them I'm doing it for so I guess its okay. Having two sisters can have its advantages, but then again can have its failures. they say look at the bright side but that's kinda hard to do sometimes... but what ever, I have a feeling that I'm about to be kicked off the computer in a few so I might as well end it here.... maybe Ill write some more some other day, but till then, Laytas. :)